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Fall Proverbs - page 2
What you build easily will fall quickly.
Slovenian Proverb
Between two stools, you fall to the ground.
Vietnamese Proverb
Women are like raindrops: some fall on palaces, others on ricefields.
Vietnamese Proverb
If a man knew where he would fall, he would spread straw there first.
Finnish Proverb
Hew not too high, lest a chip fall in thine eye.
Dutch Proverb
Our time runs on like a stream; first fall the leaves and then the tree.
Dutch Proverb
Pride comes before a fall.
English Proverb
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Finnish Proverb
He who spits in the air will have it fall back on his face.
Mexican Proverb
Pride goes before a fall.
Egyptian Proverb
To love someone who does not love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall.
African Congo Proverb
They only fall asleep after having mutually taken an oath and then they betray each other.
Algerian Proverb
If a man looks upon your wife pluck out his eye and cook it in a goodly stew. If he eats the stew his manhood will wither and fall off in the next moon.
Gypsy Proverb
If a man once fall, all will tread on him.
Moroccan Proverb
If the State is going to fall, it is from the belly.
Namibian Proverb
Those who digs an evil hole will fall into it.
Palestinian Proverb
Even the fall of a dancer is a somersault.
Senegalese Proverb
When your neighbor's horse falls into a pit, you should not rejoice at it, for your own child may fall into it too.
Yoruba Proverb
Can a mouse fall in love with a cat?
Darkovan Proverb
He who digs a pit will fall into it himself.
Swahili Proverb
If there is a lid that doesn't fit, then there is a lid that does. To a person that does not wander, there is not enlightenment. Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Japanese Proverb
People who are asleep can't fall down.
Japanese Proverb