Proverbs around the world
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Fall Proverbs
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
New Zealander Proverb
One who runs will also fall.
Afghan Proverb
Fall seven times, stand up the eighth.
Japanese Proverb
It is bad luck to fall out of a thirteenth story window on Friday.
American Proverb
Make sure to be in with your equals if you're going to fall out with your superiors.
Jewish Proverb
The pear does not fall far from the tree.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you fall in love let her be a beauty; if you should steal, let it be a camel.
Lebanese Proverb
Remember, even monkeys fall out of trees.
Korean Proverb
The nuts from a palm tree don't fall without dragging a few leaves with it.
African Congo Proverb
Fear to let fall a drop, will always make you spill a lot.
Malawi Proverb
Rain does not fall on one roof alone.
Cameroon Proverb
The devil places a pillow for a drunken man to fall upon.
Canadian Proverb
Don't fall before you're pushed.
English Proverb
A stumble may prevent a fall.
English Proverb
A bolt does not always fall when it thunders.
German Proverb
When the apple is ripe it will fall.
Irish Proverb
If you fall into a pit, Providence is under no obligation to come and look for you.
Persian Proverb
The mud that you throw will fall on your own head.
Persian Proverb
Bitter fruit will fall before the ripe.
Italian Proverb
The roses fall, the thorns remain.
Italian Proverb
If you lie on the ground, you cannot fall.
Jewish Proverb
Rejoice not at thine enemy's fall”–but don't rush to pick his up, either.
Jewish Proverb