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Dead Proverbs - page 4
Kings matthias is dead, justice is lost.
Hungarian Proverb
Seldom lies the dell dead by the dyke side.
Scottish Proverb
Dead though the oil-palm may be, the maggot in it lives on.
Nigerian Proverb
A dead elephant cannot be covered by a lotus leaf.
Thai Proverb
The dead will go to the village where the cock doesn't crow.
Thai Proverb
Darg-flea tell him pickeny him mustn't say him dead till him ketch pon finger nail.
Jamaican Proverb
Man noh dead, noh call ‘im duppy.
Jamaican Proverb
Alive one hour, dead another.
Corsican Proverb
The dead with the dead, and the living with the living.
Corsican Proverb
What good is horse when the grass is already dead?
Filipino Proverb
Monreale, a city without comfort, either it rains, or the wind blows, or bells ring for the dead.
Sicilian Proverb
Better ruined ten times than dead once.
Yiddish Proverb
It's ill waiting for dead men's shoes.
Dutch Proverb
Don't sell the bearskin before the bear is dead.
Dutch Proverb
Even hares pull a lion by the beard when he is dead.
Dutch Proverb
Dead dogs don't bite.
Dutch Proverb
Blessed are the dead that the rain rains on.
Spanish Proverb
A great lance-thrust to a dead Moor.
Spanish Proverb
He that marries a widow will often have a dead man's head thrown into the dish.
Spanish Proverb
A dead man pays no debts.
Serbian Proverb
Dead men do not bite.
Latin Proverb
It is better to be the cub of a live jackal than of a dead lion.
Ethiopian Proverb