Proverbs around the world
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Three Proverbs - page 2
Three kinds of people die poor: those who divorce, those who incur debts, and those who move around too much.
Senegalese Proverb
Every word has three definitions and three interpretations.
Costa Rican Proverb
Get three darkovans together and they hold a dance.
Darkovan Proverb
There are old men of three years old and children of a hundred.
Japanese Proverb
If you are going to sit on it for three years, the seat will certainly get warm.
Japanese Proverb
After three years useless things are useful too.
Japanese Proverb
A three inch tongue -- the iron bulwark of politics.
Japanese Proverb
The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.
Japanese Proverb
Before you plan to improve the world, look around your own house three times.
Chinese Proverb
Let a wrong-doing repeat itself at least three times: the first may be an accident, the second a mistake, but the third is likely to be intentional.
African Proverb
A cat has nine lives; for three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays.
American Proverb
If three people tell you that you are drunk, you better lie down.
American Proverb
There are three kinds of people; those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those who don't know what's happening.
American Proverb
It takes three generation to make a gentleman.
American Proverb
There are three things that can destroy a preacher, the glory, the gold, and the girls.
American Proverb
There are three faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.
American Proverb
With one child you may walk; with two you may ride; when you have three, at home you must bide.
English Proverb
Three things to fear: a crumbling wall, an angry dog, and a shrew.
Arabic Proverb
One white foot, buy him; two white feet, try him; three white feet, look well about him; four white feet, go without him.
German Proverb
There are three creatures beyond ruling – a mule, a pig and a woman.
Irish Proverb
The three faults of drinking are: a sorrowful morning, a dirty coat, and an empty pocket.
Irish Proverb
Limerick was, Dublin is, and Cork shall be the finest city of the three.
Irish Proverb