Proverbs around the world
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Three Proverbs
One son is no son, two sons is no son, but three sons is a son.
Russian Proverb
Men have three ears: one on the left of the head, one on the right of the head, and one in the heart.
Armenian Proverb
These three take crooked ways: carts, boats, and musicians.
Hindi Proverb
Before preparing to improve the world, first look around your own home three times.
Chinese Proverb
A fence lasts three years, a dog lasts three fences, a horse three dogs, and a man three horses.
German Proverb
A thorn, a hound's tooth, a fool's word: these are the three sharpest things.
Irish Proverb
Mother Nature, time and patience are the three best doctors.
Bulgarian Proverb
There are three kinds of enemy: the enemy himself, the friends of your enemy, and the enemies of your friends.
Persian Proverb
Children: one is one, two is fun, three is a houseful.
Portuguese Proverb
If there is a rich man in the area three villages are ruined.
Korean Proverb
Three years will eradicate even murderous thoughts.
Korean Proverb
Anyone who goes hungry for three days will be inclined to steal.
Korean Proverb
When you have three daughters, you sleep with the door open.
Korean Proverb
If you starve for three days, there is no thought that does not invade your imagination.
Korean Proverb
Woman was born three days earlier than the devil.
Korean Proverb
Three hairs are quickly combed.
Walloon Proverb
Even the brave are scared by a lion three times: first by its tracks, again by its roar, and one last time face to face.
Somali Proverb
If one, two and three say you are an ass, put on the ears.
Dutch Proverb
A secret between two is god's secret; a secret between three is known to all.
Mexican Proverb
I have to learn how to walk on three legs says the hyena for when I am old.
Bambara Proverb
Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face.
Moroccan Proverb
Three daughters and a mother are four devils for a father.
Argentinean Proverb