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Tell Proverbs - page 4
To whom you tell your secret you surrender your freedom.
Italian Proverb
Tell me with whom you go and i'll tell you what you are.
Italian Proverb
Never trust people who tell you all their troubles but keep from you all their joys.
Jewish Proverb
A fool can tell only foolish things.
Hungarian Proverb
Tell me who your friends is, I'll tell you who you are.
Hungarian Proverb
Tell the truth, and people will bash in your head.
Hungarian Proverb
A child, a drunkard and a fool tell the truth.
Hungarian Proverb
All that's said in the kitchen should not be told in the hall.
Scottish Proverb
You may boast to strangers, but tell the truth to your own people.
Croatian Proverb
Darg-flea tell him pickeny him mustn't say him dead till him ketch pon finger nail.
Jamaican Proverb
Show me your wife and I will tell you what kind of a husband she has.
Catalan Proverb
A story is only half told if there is only one side presented.
Icelandic Proverb
Tell me who you walk with, and I'll tell you who you are.
Icelandic Proverb
You can tell an educated person by their talk and bells by their ringing.
Sicilian Proverb
Who approaches women penniless will be told: get lost.
Sicilian Proverb
A woman is as old as she wants to tell you she is.
Luxembourgish Proverb
An honest man would rather sell his land than tell a lie.
Finnish Proverb
He who lies thrice believes he's told the truth.
Finnish Proverb
Tell God the truth, but give money to the judge.
Russian Proverb
When you tell the truth, have one foot in the stirrup.
Turkish Proverb
Don't tell your secret to your friend; he will tell it to his friend.
Turkish Proverb
Children and fools tell the truth.
Spanish Proverb