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Small Proverbs - page 4
In small woods may be caught large hares.
Dutch Proverb
He that despises the small is not worthy of the great.
Dutch Proverb
In small boxes the best spice.
Dutch Proverb
Precious things are mostly in small compass.
Dutch Proverb
On a small pretence the wolf devours the sheep.
Dutch Proverb
Small pots have big ears/handles.
Dutch Proverb
It's a big wind that blows on small doors.
French Proverb
There is no chapel so small but has its saint.
French Proverb
A man finds what he takes to be small; it will only be big again when he loses it.
Indonesian Proverb
Small faults indulged in are little thieves that let in greater.
Russian Proverb
Small choice in rotten apples.
Russian Proverb
Small gifts go to places where men expect bigger ones.
Russian Proverb
To one who knows no better, a small garden is a forest.
Ethiopian Proverb
What is taken for oneself is usually not a small piece.
Ethiopian Proverb
When one sets a portion for oneself, usually it is not too small.
Ethiopian Proverb
One should try to get enormously benefited by a small effort.
Kashmir Proverb
Small print leads to large risk.
Klingon Proverb
An eye is small but its usefulness is great.
Mamprussi Proverb
The goose is too small for two but too big for one.
Scanian Proverb
Where people are promising much to you, bring a small bag.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
The best things come in small parcels.
Traditional Proverb
A great affair covers up a small matter.
Yoruba Proverb