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Small Proverbs - page 3
Good things come in small packages.
Portuguese Proverb
A small pack becomes a small peddler.
Portuguese Proverb
Better to have a diamond with a few small flaws than a rock that is perfect.
Hindi Proverb
You can better drink from a small well with soft water than from the salty sea.
Georgian Proverb
A small woman always seems newly married.
Italian Proverb
Small rain lays a great wind.
Italian Proverb
Small rain lays great dust.
Italian Proverb
Home, dear home, small as thou art, to me thou art a palace.
Italian Proverb
On every small pretext the wolf seizes the sheep.
Italian Proverb
It is the small expenses that empty your purse.
Italian Proverb
The best spices are in small bags.
Italian Proverb
The needle is small, but it sews expensive garments.
Romanian Proverb
Small tree trunks can make the cart turn over.
Romanian Proverb
Big in the words, small on the ground.
Swedish Proverb
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.
Swedish Proverb
It is better to be a free man in a small house than a slave in a big one.
Norwegian Proverb
A small but excellent party, said the man, he was drinking alone.
Norwegian Proverb
A great sin can enter by a small door.
Welsh Proverb
Who can not be trusted in small things can not be trusted in big things.
Estonian Proverb
What good is a something big that is still needed to be searched, if there is something small that is in your hands?
Filipino Proverb
Great things often come from small beginnings.
Finnish Proverb
Eat, and small ills disappear.
Finnish Proverb