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Small Proverbs - page 10
Great weights may hang on small wires.
Dutch Proverb
Big winds, small showers.
French Proverb
Small people always cast big shadows.
French Proverb
Small profits are good if they come often.
French Proverb
There is no bush so small but casts its shadow.
French Proverb
Popularity is the small change of glory.
French Proverb
Small brooks make big rivers.
French Proverb
Small wells are better to quench your thirst.
French Proverb
A small fire that warms you is better than a large one that burns you.
French Proverb
Thanks to one small candle the whole of Moscow burns.
Russian Proverb
Men who watch their fortune grow find their houses too small.
Russian Proverb
Small children give you headache; big children heartache.
Russian Proverb
The fly is small, but it is big enough to make one sick.
Turkish Proverb
A broke merchant counted his small change.
Turkish Proverb
There is nothing like deprivation to generate thanks for small mercies.
Spanish Proverb
It's a Small world.
Spanish Proverb
Treat the small in the way you would want to be treated by the big.
Spanish Proverb
The stone is hard and the drop is small, but a hole is made by the constant fall.
Spanish Proverb
Better play at small game than stand out.
Spanish Proverb
What is the use of a big wide world when your shoes are too small?
Serbian Proverb
A small competence is best.
Latin Proverb
The best things come in small packages.
Latin Proverb