Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Small Proverbs
A frog living at the bottom of the well thinks that the sky is as small.
Vietnamese Proverb
Do not make yourself so big, you are not so small.
Jewish Proverb
Even small fish, are fish.
Czech Proverb
Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom.
Chinese Proverb
There are no small parts, only small actors.
English Proverb
Big boast, small roast.
English Proverb
Even a small thorn causes festering.
Irish Proverb
Youth has a small head.
Irish Proverb
A small evil may be a great good.
Greek Proverb
Even the most beautiful sheets have small flaws.
Portuguese Proverb
It's when it's small that the cucumber gets warped.
Portuguese Proverb
Though the snake be small, it is still wise to hit it with a big stick.
Hindi Proverb
A great river does not refuse any small streams.
Korean Proverb
Kill your anger while it is small.
Slovak Proverb
In small churches, small saints are big..
Slovenian Proverb
Never forget benefits done you, regardless how small.
Vietnamese Proverb
The best ointment comes in small boxes.
Walloon Proverb
The sat one doesn't understand the hungry one: for one the soup is too thin, for the other - the pearls are too small.
Russian Proverb
Your hometown is like a small fatherland.
Mexican Proverb
Even a small mouse has anger.
Native American Proverb
He who was born for a small loaf, will never own a big one.
Puerto Rican Proverb
A small house can lodge a hundred friends.
Egyptian Proverb