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Child Proverbs - page 4
A child may have too much of his mother's blessing.
English Proverb
It is good to be priest at Easter, child in Lent, peasant at Christmas, and foal in harvest-time.
Danish Proverb
One kisses the child for the mother's sake, and the mother for the child's sake.
German Proverb
Who takes the child by the hand takes the mother by the heart.
German Proverb
Twenty years a child; twenty years running wild; twenty years a mature man -- and after that, praying.
Irish Proverb
Neither promise wax to the saint, nor cakes to the child.
Greek Proverb
Fish's child knows how to swim.
Portuguese Proverb
I can chew for you, my child, but you must swallow by yourself.
Hungarian Proverb
Even the mother cannot understand the words of a dumb child.
Hungarian Proverb
A child may have too much of his mother's blessing.
Scottish Proverb
One beats one's breast who does not beat one's child.
Kurdish Proverb
A man that begets a barren cannot have a grand child.
Nigerian Proverb
If a child shoots an arrow that reaches the top of a tall palm tree, then it must be that an elderly person carved the arrow for him.
Nigerian Proverb
It is the woman whose child has been eaten by a witch who best knows the evils of witchcraft.
Nigerian Proverb
A child does not die because the mother's breasts are dry.
Nigerian Proverb
Everybody joins to blame or condemn a child who overthrows the pot of soup.
Nigerian Proverb
A child is what you put into him.
Nigerian Proverb
A child who fears beating, would never admit that he played with a missing knife.
Nigerian Proverb
The Child of an elephant will not be a dwarf.
Nigerian Proverb
To love a cow, tie it up; To love a child, hit him/her.
Thai Proverb
Milk for a child, meat for a man, beer for the old.
Welsh Proverb
The child will grow, his clothes will not.
Welsh Proverb