Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Child Proverbs
A burnt child dreads the fire.
English Proverb
A mother understands what a child does not say.
Jewish Proverb
A man without a child is a king without sorrows.
Persian Proverb
The grown-up pays attention to what you are doing; the child sees beyond that.
Hindi Proverb
One can't give a grasshopper to a child if one has not caught it yet.
Madagascan Proverb
The child of a rat is a rat.
Madagascan Proverb
Too large a morsel chokes the child.
Mauritania Proverb
Do not make the dress before the child is born.
Tanzanian Proverb
Don't tell any more fairy tales when the child has gone to sleep.
Burundi Proverb
What the child sees, the child does. What the child does, the child is.
Irish Proverb
A child is a bridge to heaven.
Persian Proverb
the child and the little bird, God catches the fall.
Portuguese Proverb
Boil not the pap before the child is born.
Italian Proverb
A child without education is like a bird without wings.
Tibetan Proverb
No child was ever born without having been conceived.
Filipino Proverb
When the tree falls, any child can climb it.
Vietnamese Proverb
The child you sired hasn't sired you.
Somali Proverb
A child is like an axe; even if it hurts, you still carry them on your shoulders.
Finnish Proverb
If you want the truth, ask a child.
French Proverb
If the child does not cry, the mother knows not its wants.
Russian Proverb
Never give a child a sword.
Latin Proverb
When you take a knife away from a child, give him a piece of wood instead.
Kenyan Proverb