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Wife Proverbs - page 4
It's natural to have some disagreement between husband and wife.
Hungarian Proverb
Complain about the house where the husband is the wife.
Romanian Proverb
His whole life he carried his wife on his back.
Croatian Proverb
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock, the house is topsy-turvy.
Maltese Proverb
Show me your wife and I will tell you what kind of a husband she has.
Catalan Proverb
Happy the marriage where the husband is the head and the wife the heart.
Estonian Proverb
Who has got a good wife has found a good thing.
Estonian Proverb
It is better to be without a wife for a minute than without tobacco for an hour.
Estonian Proverb
Do not choose your wife on your way to the church.
Estonian Proverb
The horns of the sister are horns of gold; the horns of the wife are true horns.
Sicilian Proverb
Your wife and your wheelbarrow are two things that you should never lend to anyone.
Luxembourgish Proverb
A man without a wife is like a field without a fence.
Finnish Proverb
Rather a man without a cow for the summer than without a wife for christmas night.
Finnish Proverb
A wise husband and a patient wife equal a peaceful home and a happy life.
Dutch Proverb
Every little helps to lighten the freight, said the captain, as he threw his wife overboard.
Dutch Proverb
One God, one wife, but many friends.
Dutch Proverb
Smoke, stench, and a troublesome wife are what drive men from home.
Dutch Proverb
A sad bride makes a glad wife.
Dutch Proverb
Neither reprove nor flatter thy wife, where any one heareth or seeth it.
Dutch Proverb
The wife is twice precious only; when led into the house, and when taken out.
Russian Proverb
There is nothing better than a rich wife and a generous mother-in-law.
Russian Proverb
A good wife and a wholesome cabbage soup, what more could you want?
Russian Proverb