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Home Proverbs - page 4
Home, dear home, small as thou art, to me thou art a palace.
Italian Proverb
Every dog is a lion at home.
Italian Proverb
He that is drunk is gone from home.
Italian Proverb
Where shall a man have a worse friend than he brings from home.
Italian Proverb
A woman's place is in the home.
Italian Proverb
Go abroad and you'll hear news of home.
Italian Proverb
He has done like the Perugian who, when his head was broken, ran home for his helmet.
Italian Proverb
Who loves to roam may lose his home.
Italian Proverb
When we are at our happiest, then it is best to leave and go home.
Czech Proverb
Peccadilloes at home, deadly sins abroad.
Hungarian Proverb
A home without guests, a village without shepherds, both are hopeless indeed.
Kurdish Proverb
If you ask for too much at once, you will come home with an empty bag.
Croatian Proverb
One can only try to get what one can from the head of an elephant, no one ever carries it home.
Nigerian Proverb
A masquerade does not perform to an outside audience until he performs well at the home base.
Nigerian Proverb
Rather free in a foreign place than a slave back home.
Norwegian Proverb
To be away is well and good, but home is where the heart is.
Norwegian Proverb
If you are going into the wood -- don't leave your axe at home.
Thai Proverb
Who is timid in the woods boasts at home.
Thai Proverb
Learn fe dance at home before you go abroad.
Jamaican Proverb
The closer a relation, the more it hits home.
Corsican Proverb
When you've been had, you go home.
Corsican Proverb
Our good life sure is there for us, unless we learned some bad conduct in our home as children.
Icelandic Proverb