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Home Proverbs - page 3
A gentleman ought to travel abroad, but dwell at home.
English Proverb
An Englishman's house (home) is his castle.
English Proverb
He who got out of his home lessened his value.
Arabic Proverb
Like the man who shields himself with a spiders home.
Arabic Proverb
A woman's mosque is her home.
Arabic Proverb
If you play with the fool at home, he will play with you abroad.
Danish Proverb
Love begins at home.
German Proverb
First look at home, then censure me.
German Proverb
A gosling flew over the Rhine, and came home a goose.
German Proverb
He who has the fortune brings home the bride.
German Proverb
Pilgrims seldom come home saints.
German Proverb
The furthest way about is the nearest way home.
German Proverb
Bricks and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children make a home.
Irish Proverb
The eye should be blind in the home of another.
Irish Proverb
When everybody's house is on fire go home and look at your own chimney.
Irish Proverb
Your wife and sheep early at home.
Portuguese Proverb
Dirty clothes one washes at home.
Portuguese Proverb
Justice begins at home.
Portuguese Proverb
A dull ass near home trots without the stick.
Portuguese Proverb
The hen that stays at home picks up the crumbs.
Portuguese Proverb
The liar will travel the world over, but chooses not to go back home.
Polish Proverb
My home is my castle.
Polish Proverb