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Fish Proverbs - page 3
When asked, "What news from the sea?” The fish replied "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water.”.
Armenian Proverb
A fish should swim thrice: in water, in sauce, and in wine.
German Proverb
A monk in his cloister, a fish in the water, a thief in the gallows.
German Proverb
There are as many good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
Irish Proverb
There are finer fish in the sea than have ever been caught.
Irish Proverb
It is not fish until it is on the bank.
Irish Proverb
There are fish in the sea better than have ever been caught.
Irish Proverb
The seagull thinks it is an act of kindness to give the fish a lift in the air.
Irish Proverb
The net of the sleeper catches fish.
Greek Proverb
The fisherman fishes in troubled water.
Portuguese Proverb
Big fish are fished in big rivers.
Portuguese Proverb
From great rivers come great fish.
Portuguese Proverb
A fool went to fish, but lost his fishing-basket.
Hindi Proverb
Don't bargain for fish which are still in the water.
Hindi Proverb
Fish and guests smell when they are three days old.
Hindi Proverb
The cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet.
Georgian Proverb
I have a lot to say, said the fish, but my mouth is full of water.
Georgian Proverb
He who sleeps catches no fish.
Italian Proverb
It is not necessary to fish up every bucket that falls into the well.
Italian Proverb
A guest and a fish stink in three days.
Italian Proverb
A rotting fish begins to stink at the head.
Italian Proverb
Go to the sea if you would fish well.
Italian Proverb