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Catch Proverbs - page 4
If the cat sits long enough at the hole, she will catch the mouse.
Irish Proverb
A little dog can start a hare, but it takes a big one to catch it.
Irish Proverb
When the sky falls, we'll all catch larks.
Irish Proverb
If you cannot catch a fish, do not blame the sea.
Greek Proverb
A good thing is soon caught up.
Portuguese Proverb
The rat that knows but one hole is soon caught.
Portuguese Proverb
The rat which has but one hole is soon caught.
Portuguese Proverb
Meowing cats catch fewer mice.
Portuguese Proverb
It's easier to catch a liar than a limping person.
Portuguese Proverb
Catch the bird before you build a cage.
Georgian Proverb
A drowning man would catch at razors.
Italian Proverb
A new net won't catch an old bird.
Italian Proverb
Even foxes are caught.
Italian Proverb
Harm watch, harm catch.
Italian Proverb
Sell not the bear's skin before you have caught him.
Italian Proverb
That that comes of a cat will catch mice.
Italian Proverb
It is not the thief who is hanged, but one who was caught stealing.
Czech Proverb
Catch not at the shadow, and lose the substance.
Korean Proverb
The thief who isn't caught is an honest salesman.
Romanian Proverb
Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free.
Scottish Proverb
A thief not caught becomes a king.
Kurdish Proverb
Hyenas are caught with stinking bait.
Nigerian Proverb