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Eyes Proverbs - page 5
Without learning, without eyes.
Lithuanian Proverb
Good eyes don't fear smoke.
Lithuanian Proverb
Confusion is a chicken with shattered eyes.
Thai Proverb
Walls have ears, doors have eyes.
Thai Proverb
Everyone cries with their eyes.
Corsican Proverb
Every blind man weeps for his eyes.
Corsican Proverb
Where the hands move, there let the eyes follow.
Hawaiian Proverb
The stars are the eyes of heaven.
Hawaiian Proverb
If you can't use your eyes, follow your nose.
Latvian Proverb
Open your eyes and your ears when contracting, because the agreed upon circumstances mean a lot.
Sicilian Proverb
The hen's eyes are where her eggs are.
Galician Proverb
I see by my mother-in-law's eyes when the devil takes hold of her.
Galician Proverb
Love blinds your eyes, marriage opens them wide.
Finnish Proverb
The eyes are the mirror of the soul.
Yiddish Proverb
The girl with stars in her eyes will shine like the moonlight.
South African Proverb
Who buys wants a hundred eyes, who sells need have but one.
Dutch Proverb
The eyes are bigger than the belly.
Dutch Proverb
One crow does not peck out another's eyes.
Dutch Proverb
A drop of water in the eyes of the Tsar costs the country many handkerchiefs.
Russian Proverb
Tears come more often from the eyes than from the heart.
Russian Proverb
Feed a crow and it will pluck out your eyes.
Turkish Proverb
Where friars abound keep your eyes open.
Spanish Proverb