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Eyes Proverbs
What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth.
Jewish Proverb
Instead of opening your mouth, open your eyes.
Turkish Proverb
Saints fly only in the eyes of their disciples.
Hindi Proverb
No better witnesses than your own eyes.
Ethiopian Proverb
Do not slaughter a calf before its mother's eyes.
Kenyan Proverb
Do not walk into a snake pit with your eyes open.
Somali Proverb
Whether it rains or stops raining, the lentils have two eyes.
Ethiopian Proverb
Eyes that see do not grow old.
Nicaraguan Proverb
Whoever has no children has no light in his eyes.
Persian Proverb
Fear has big eyes.
Russian Proverb
The eyes are of little use if the mind be blind.
Arabic Proverb
Let him speak who has seen with his eyes.
African Congo Proverb
To have two eyes is cause for pride; but to have one eye is better than to have none.
Guinea Proverb
The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the horse thief not one.
Gypsy Proverb
Taking aim for too long can ruin your eyes.
Ivorian Proverb
The stranger has big eyes but he doesn't see anything.
Ivorian Proverb
Better to be guilty in the eyes of men than in the eyes of God.
Madagascan Proverb
If you are dancing with your rivals, don't close your eyes.
Burundi Proverb
Never buy through your ears but through your eyes.
Irish Proverb
Ravens do not peck each other's eyes out.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you enter the city of the blind, cover your eyes.
Persian Proverb
The eyes can do a thousand things that the fingers can't.
Persian Proverb