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Death Proverbs - page 4
What is play to one is death to another.
Hindi Proverb
All the water in the sea doesn't even reach the knees of the man who fears not death.
Hindi Proverb
Until death there is no knowing what may befal.
Italian Proverb
He hauls at a long rope who expects another's death.
Italian Proverb
He would be a good one to send for death.
Italian Proverb
Thank you, pretty pussy, was the death of my cat.
Italian Proverb
Many dogs, rabbit's death.
Czech Proverb
He, who is afraid of death, loses his life.
Romanian Proverb
The death of one - the bread of the other.
Swedish Proverb
A man who is trampled to death by an elephant is a man who is blind and deaf.
Nigerian Proverb
Death spares no one.
Maltese Proverb
Death rights everything.
Maltese Proverb
Only death is certain.
Maltese Proverb
We are all equal before death.
Maltese Proverb
One man's death is another man's life.
Maltese Proverb
Death said to the man with his throat cut, "How ugly you look."
Maltese Proverb
There is an herb for every kind of sickness but not for death.
Lithuanian Proverb
Death considers not the fairest forehead.
Welsh Proverb
People should be mourned at their birth, not at their death.
Corsican Proverb
He who lives fast goes straight to his death.
Corsican Proverb
The old man looks death in the eye, the young man keeps him behind his back.
Estonian Proverb
When death comes, the rich man has no money and the poor man no debt.
Estonian Proverb