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Death Proverbs - page 3
Living in worry invites death in a hurry.
American Proverb
Love is as strong as death.
English Proverb
A fair death honors the whole life.
English Proverb
Old men, when they marry young women, make much of death.
English Proverb
Ignorance is the death of the living.
Arabic Proverb
Death rides a fast camel.
Arabic Proverb
What is play to the strong is death to the weak.
Danish Proverb
There is help for everything, except death.
Danish Proverb
Well-done outlives death.
German Proverb
Too many sacks are the death of the ass.
German Proverb
When death comes, it will not go away empty.
Irish Proverb
Death is in front of the old person and at the back of the young person.
Irish Proverb
Fame lives on after death.
Irish Proverb
Better is the trouble that follows death than the trouble that follows shame.
Irish Proverb
Death and marriages make changes.
Irish Proverb
Death is the poor man's best physician.
Irish Proverb
Death is the poor man's doctor.
Irish Proverb
Death is never at a loss for occasions.
Greek Proverb
There is a remedy for everything; it is called death.
Portuguese Proverb
Death squares all accounts.
Portuguese Proverb
Foot firm till death.
Portuguese Proverb
To change one's habits has a smell of death.
Portuguese Proverb