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Rich Proverbs - page 4
He that never fails never grows rich.
Italian Proverb
A proud pauper and a rich miser are contemptible beings.
Italian Proverb
He is rich enough who does not want.
Italian Proverb
If you would be rich in a year, you may be hanged in six months.
Italian Proverb
Make me a prophet and I will make you rich.
Italian Proverb
The poor is hated by his neighbour, but the rich hath many friends.
Italian Proverb
The rich never have to seek out their relatives.
Italian Proverb
To become rich in this world, it needs only to turn one's back on God.
Italian Proverb
When a man is not a lover in his twenties, not strong in his thirties, not rich in his forties and not wise in his fifties he will never be so.
Czech Proverb
The rich man carries God in his pocket, the poor man in his heart.
Jewish Proverb
Rich is he who has no debts, fortunate he who lives without handicap.
Mongolian Proverb
Greed keeps men forever poor, even the abundance of this world will not make them rich.
Mongolian Proverb
He is rich who owes nothing.
Hungarian Proverb
The devil gives even rich men presents.
Romanian Proverb
The rich man makes mistakes and the poor men get the blame.
Romanian Proverb
Beetles that roll balls out of human faeces demand to be hidden away from the rich man, because there is nothing he wouldn't buy.
Nigerian Proverb
When a woman cannot have good palm-nuts to give her rich oil, she still has to maintain decency in order to remain one of those that sell good quality oil.
Nigerian Proverb
The law is not made for the rich.
Maltese Proverb
Beggar beg from beggar him nebber get rich.
Jamaican Proverb
When death comes, the rich man has no money and the poor man no debt.
Estonian Proverb
A man who has learned much is rich.
Estonian Proverb
Never wrestle with a strong man nor bring a rich man to court.
Latvian Proverb