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Way Proverbs - page 3
Better to ask the way than to go astray.
English Proverb
He that keeps out of harm's way will gather goodly riches.
Danish Proverb
He who stops half way is only half in error.
German Proverb
The furthest way about is the nearest way home.
German Proverb
The Russian knows the way, yet he asks for directions.
German Proverb
As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.
Irish Proverb
The shortcut to food but the long way to work.
Irish Proverb
Don't be breaking your shin on a stool that's not in your way.
Irish Proverb
If you don't know the way, walk slowly.
Irish Proverb
A tree falls the way it leans.
Bulgarian Proverb
The way a house is decorated will tell much about its owner.
Persian Proverb
Only a heart can find the way to another heart.
Persian Proverb
There are many ways to leave this world but only one way to come into it.
Portuguese Proverb
The way to overcome the angry man is with gentleness, the evil man with goodness, the miser with generosity and the liar with truth.
Hindi Proverb
There is no use in saying, I will not go such a way, nor drink of such a water.
Italian Proverb
From saying to doing is a long way.
Italian Proverb
As soon as a new law is made, a way around it is devised.
Italian Proverb
Evening red and morning grey help the traveler on his way; evening grey and morning red bring down rain upon his head.
Italian Proverb
As one makes his bed, that way he shall lie down.
Czech Proverb
The way one eats is the way one works.
Czech Proverb
Many will show you the way once your cart has overturned.
Kurdish Proverb
He who does not lose his way by night will not lose his way by day.
Nigerian Proverb