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Way Proverbs - page 2
Though each path is different, there is only one way.
Moroccan Proverb
The empty gives the way to the full.
Palestinian Proverb
Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way.
Senegalese Proverb
The king lives way up where the stench of the poor cannot reach him.
Zambian Proverb
Foam will always find its way to the shore.
Zanzibar Proverb
To get lost is to learn the way.
Swahili Proverb
The way of a liar is short.
Swahili Proverb
Kindness will never be wasted in any way.
Japanese Proverb
Old horses don't forget the way.
Japanese Proverb
Since the beggar would come any way, it's best to invite him first.
Ghana Proverb
Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome.
Chinese Proverb
The poor ones give their alms in a humble way, the rich man throws them down with contempt.
Chinese Proverb
There is a way from heart to heart.
Afghan Proverb
I have never seen anyone go astray who followed along the right way.
Afghan Proverb
A fool and water will go the way they are diverted.
African Proverb
A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.
African Proverb
People should not talk while they are eating or pepper may go down the wrong way.
African Proverb
If your husband has many wives, the only sure way for him into you're the bedroom is through a delicious meal.
African Proverb
The best way to eat the elephant standing in your path is to cut it up into little pieces.
African Proverb
The way to avoid great faults is to b aware of little ones.
American Proverb
If you look back, you'll soon be going that way.
American Proverb
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
English Proverb