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Others Proverbs - page 4
Go to bed late, rise early, you will see your own harm and that of others.
Portuguese Proverb
True happiness consists in making others happy.
Hindi Proverb
A fly, a harlot, a beggar, a rat, and gusty wind; the village-boss and the tax collector – these seven are always annoying to others.
Hindi Proverb
One dirty pig pollutes others.
Georgian Proverb
Others' bread has seven crusts.
Italian Proverb
He who gives bread to others' dogs is often barked at by his own.
Italian Proverb
The gardener's dog does not eat lettuce and will not let others eat it.
Italian Proverb
A fools knows his own business better than a wise man knows that of others.
Italian Proverb
Criminals are punished, that others may be amended.
Italian Proverb
He who meddles in others people's affairs will be left with two of three parts.
Italian Proverb
Lovers think others are blind.
Italian Proverb
Others' bread is too salt.
Italian Proverb
The wicked even hate vice in others.
Italian Proverb
Who judges others, condemns himself.
Italian Proverb
Who troubles others has no rest himself.
Italian Proverb
The wise understand; fools follow the reports of others.
Tibetan Proverb
Wise men learn by others' harm.
Hungarian Proverb
Married folk are like rats in a trap - fain to get others in, but fain to be out themselves.
Scottish Proverb
If God closes one door, he opens a thousand others.
Kurdish Proverb
The hunchback sees the hump of others – never his own.
Croatian Proverb
We can not choose who our relatives should be, even though we may come to like some better than others.
Nigerian Proverb
If the owner of a calabash calls it a worthless calabash, others will join him to use it to pack rubbish.
Nigerian Proverb