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Others Proverbs - page 3
If you accommodate others, you will be accommodating yourself.
Chinese Proverb
Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.
Chinese Proverb
The first half of the night, think of your own faults; the second half, the faults of others.
Chinese Proverb
Some men wonder over God's values, others over the cut of a garment.
Afghan Proverb
He who doesn't listen to advise from others goes to his parents in-law smeared with faeces.
African Proverb
Heal yourself first before you heal others.
African Proverb
The palm-wine we drink, some people can drink it and remain wise; others lose all their senses.
African Proverb
Every guest hates the others, and the host hates them all.
Albanian Proverb
In God we trust; all others pay cash.
American Proverb
Sweep before your own door before you sweep before others.
American Proverb
Envy shoots at others and wounds itself.
English Proverb
A candle lights others and consumes itself.
English Proverb
Never lay sorrow to your heart when others lay it to their heels.
English Proverb
Yourself first, others afterward.
English Proverb
Like the needle which clothes others while remaining naked.
Arabic Proverb
If your house is of glass, don't throw rocks at others.
Arabic Proverb
All kinds of fame belong partly to others.
Arabic Proverb
Communicate more with yourself than you do with others.
Danish Proverb
Who blackens others, does not whiten himself.
German Proverb
Who speaks ill of others to you will speak ill of you to others.
German Proverb
If you dig a grave for others, you might fall into it yourself.
Irish Proverb
Clean your own yard first before asking others to clean theirs.
Bosnian Proverb