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Words Proverbs - page 4
Words and feathers the wind carries away.
English Proverb
Truth needs not the ornament of many words.
English Proverb
If words could only speak, they'd mean even less.
English Proverb
Fine words butter no parsnips.
English Proverb
Hard words break no bones.
English Proverb
The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say.
Arabic Proverb
Wisdom consists of ten parts -- nine parts of silence and one part with few words.
Arabic Proverb
Words of wisdom comes out of simple people mouths.
Arabic Proverb
Kind words don't wear out the tongue.
Danish Proverb
Fair words don't fill the pocket.
German Proverb
Poor people's words go many to a sack-full.
German Proverb
Words don't will the sack.
German Proverb
Words often do more than blows.
German Proverb
More is done with words than with hands.
German Proverb
Of words and feathers, it takes many to make a pound.
German Proverb
Women are never at a loss for words.
German Proverb
When wrathful words arise a closed mouth is soothing.
Irish Proverb
Soft words butter no turnips.
Irish Proverb
Soft words butter no parsnips, but they won't harden the heart of the cabbage either.
Irish Proverb
F air words never fed a friar.
Irish Proverb
Deeds are fruits, words are only leaves.
Greek Proverb
If deeds are wanting, all words appear mere vanity and emptiness.
Greek Proverb