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Devil Proverbs - page 2
He who steals in order to give to God can only get advice from the devil.
Nicaraguan Proverb
Calling the devil is not the same as seeing him come.
Puerto Rican Proverb
The man to whom God gives no children, the devil gives nieces and nephews.
Venezuelan Proverb
Neither money nor the devil can remain in peace.
Gypsy Proverb
A devil takes one and makes two, a saint takes two and makes one.
Moroccan Proverb
Slowness comes from God and haste from the Devil.
Moroccan Proverb
God is in the details and so is the devil.
Namibian Proverb
Even the devil slaves for the fortunate.
Nepal Proverb
Better a devil you know than a hundred strangers.
South American Proverb
The devil hides himself in details.
Swiss Proverb
It is easier to beat two devils into a child, than one devil out.
Swiss Proverb
The devil sups with the tax collector.
Togolese Proverb
A devil with fine manners can still carry you only to hell.
Darkovan Proverb
The devil's wiser more on account of his age than on account of being the devil.
Ecuadoran Proverb
Talk of the devil, and you'll hear the rustle of his wings.
Swahili Proverb
He who has gold is served by the devil.
Japanese Proverb
The devil was good looking at eighteen, and course tea makes a bitter first cup.
Japanese Proverb
He must have a long spoon who sups with the devil.
American Proverb
He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him over the sound.
American Proverb
If it's wrong to eat the devil, it's wrong to drink his broth.
American Proverb
Where god builds a church, the devil will build a chapel.
English Proverb
He who sups with the devil has need of a long spoon.
English Proverb