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Friends Proverbs - page 4
Save us from our friends.
Italian Proverb
I protect myself from my enemies; may God protect me from my friends.
Italian Proverb
Old friends are always new.
Italian Proverb
Old wine and friends improve with age.
Italian Proverb
One enemy is too much for a man, and a hundred friends too few.
Italian Proverb
The poor is hated by his neighbour, but the rich hath many friends.
Italian Proverb
Blessed is the man who has friends, but woe to him who needs them.
Czech Proverb
Even in hell it is good to have friends.
Czech Proverb
The winner has many friends, the loser has good friends.
Mongolian Proverb
Tell me who your friends is, I'll tell you who you are.
Hungarian Proverb
Of everything else the newest; of friends, the oldest.
Kurdish Proverb
A thousand friends are too few; one enemy is one too many.
Kurdish Proverb
The enemy of a father will never be friends of his son.
Kurdish Proverb
The only friends we have are the mountains.
Kurdish Proverb
The kurds have no friends.
Kurdish Proverb
If the owner of two adjacent farms cannot be friends, then they must wait till their next reincarnation to be able to make friends.
Nigerian Proverb
On the road between the homes of friends, grass does not grow.
Norwegian Proverb
If you marry a young woman, make sure your friends stay outside.
Ukrainian Proverb
A dog with a bone knows no friends.
Dutch Proverb
All are not friends who smile on you.
Dutch Proverb
One God, one wife, but many friends.
Dutch Proverb
Learn who are your friends when you are in need.
Dutch Proverb