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Friends Proverbs - page 3
One enemy can harm you more than a hundred friends can do you good.
German Proverb
One foe is too many, and a hundred friends are too few.
German Proverb
He who has no enemies also has no friends.
German Proverb
Law is costly; shake hands and be friends.
Irish Proverb
Good accounts make good friends.
Greek Proverb
Eat beans for lunch and have no friends at the dinner table.
Greek Proverb
The best of friends must part.
Persian Proverb
It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.
Persian Proverb
Of everything else the newest; of friends, the oldest.
Persian Proverb
Tell your friends a lie; if he keeps it secret tell him the truth.
Portuguese Proverb
Short reckonings make long friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Poverty parteth friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Friends are friends, business are business.
Portuguese Proverb
Friends are known in adversity.
Portuguese Proverb
There's no living without friends.
Portuguese Proverb
He who has a good next, finds good friends.
Portuguese Proverb
An empty purse frights away friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Friends are flowers in the garden of life.
Portuguese Proverb
Old truths, old laws, old friends, old books, and old wine are best.
Polish Proverb
These can never be true friends: Hope, dice, a prostitute, a robber, a cheat, a goldsmith, a monkey, a doctor, a distiller.
Hindi Proverb
When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing.
Italian Proverb
One enemy is too many, and a hundred friends are too few.
Italian Proverb