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Person Proverbs - page 2
A pretty person looks pretty in every clothing.
Polish Proverb
One person can burn water, while another can't even burn oil.
Hindi Proverb
Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.
Italian Proverb
Beware of the person with nothing to lose.
Italian Proverb
The person who gets stuck on trivial prosperity will not attain great prosperity.
Tibetan Proverb
A person worries about the past, distresses about the present, and fears the future.
Jewish Proverb
The person who only accepts friends without faults will never have any real friends.
Jewish Proverb
Beware of the person who gives you advice according to his own interests.
Jewish Proverb
The awkward person breaks the board in riding on the surf.
Hawaiian Proverb
Rain falls on everyone, but one person gets wetter than the rest.
Rwandan Proverb
An understanding person needs only half a word.
Dutch Proverb
A Party member is an active person.
Russian Proverb
A person does not seek luck; luck seeks the person.
Turkish Proverb
A person changing his clothing always hides while changing.
Kenyan Proverb
The person who knew you when you were young will seldom respect you as an adult.
Lebanese Proverb
There's nothing worse for an intelligent person than to put a fool beside him.
Nicaraguan Proverb
A diligent person will soon prosper.
Myanmar Proverb
The blind person never fears ghosts.
Myanmar Proverb
The blind person is not afraid of ghosts.
Myanmar Proverb
An absent person has his excuse.
Egyptian Proverb
The person who is not ashamed does whatever he wants.
Egyptian Proverb
A person with a wound on his head keeps touching it.
Egyptian Proverb