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Poor Proverbs - page 2
No one is poor but he who thinks himself so.
Portuguese Proverb
If the farmer is poor then so is the whole country.
Polish Proverb
It is a poor parish where the priest has to ring his own bells.
Polish Proverb
Rather be a slave to a rich man than the spouse of a poor man.
Hindi Proverb
There is a great uproar made about the debt of a poor man.
Hindi Proverb
High birth is a poor dish on the table.
Italian Proverb
The poor fool is a man who falls on his back and breaks his nose.
Jewish Proverb
A poor old horse will have a worn out tail.
Korean Proverb
He who gives alms to the poor faces heaven.
Filipino Proverb
When two poor men help each other, God laughs.
Walloon Proverb
If rich people could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.
Yiddish Proverb
The rich devour the poor, and the devil devours the rich and so both are devoured.
Dutch Proverb
He is as poor as job.
Dutch Proverb
Do not run into debt with a rich man, or promise anything to a poor one.
Cuban Proverb
Cleanliness is the luxury of the poor.
Mexican Proverb
It's better to be poor, than to live alone.
Mexican Proverb
It is a wretched thing to injure a poor man.
Egyptian Proverb
Bed is the poor man's opera.
Egyptian Proverb
He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their maker.
Moroccan Proverb
If a rich man steals it is a mistake; if a poor man makes a mistake he has stolen.
Moroccan Proverb
Three kinds of people die poor: those who divorce, those who incur debts, and those who move around too much.
Senegalese Proverb
The poor are excused from washing with soap.
Sudanese Proverb