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Hand Proverbs - page 4
Put not thy hand between the bark and the tree.
English Proverb
Nothing enters into a close hand.
English Proverb
If you yourself can do it, attend no other's help or hand.
English Proverb
A secret is like a dove: when it leaves my hand it takes wing.
Arabic Proverb
Two watermelons cannot be carried in one hand.
Arabic Proverb
When you cannot bite a hand, kiss it.
Arabic Proverb
One hand cannot clap.
Arabic Proverb
A clean mouth and honest hand, will take a man through any land.
German Proverb
Between the hand and the lip the soup may be spilt.
German Proverb
Hat in hand goes through the land.
German Proverb
Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth.
German Proverb
God gives, but man must open his hand.
German Proverb
Who takes the child by the hand takes the mother by the heart.
German Proverb
Bread in one hand, a stone in the other.
German Proverb
Open hand makes open hand.
German Proverb
The tree remains, but not so the hand that put it.
Irish Proverb
It's easy to knead when meal is at hand.
Irish Proverb
No stopping the force of a going wheel by hand.
Irish Proverb
A Single hand cannot wash itself even in the Danube river.
Bulgarian Proverb
To have five drachmas in the hand is better than ten drachmas on paper.
Greek Proverb
Water does not trickle out of his hand.
Persian Proverb
He pushes it away with the hand, but pulls it forward with the foot.
Persian Proverb