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Head Proverbs - page 4
Man without woman, is head without body; woman without man, is body without head.
German Proverb
Who lets another sit on his shoulder, will soon have him on his head.
German Proverb
You can't put a wide head on young shoulders.
Irish Proverb
A wise head keeps a shut mouth.
Irish Proverb
To be red-haired is better than to be without a head.
Irish Proverb
Nodding the head does not row the boat.
Irish Proverb
Good care takes the head off bad luck.
Irish Proverb
A quiet tongue shows a wise head.
Irish Proverb
The apple falls on the head that's under it.
Irish Proverb
When you go to bed with a clear head, you will not get up with a headache.
Greek Proverb
Don't be afraid of he who's loud and noisy, be afraid of he who's head is down.
Persian Proverb
Don't be a baker if your head is made of butter.
Portuguese Proverb
Each head its sentence.
Portuguese Proverb
Each head, a different judgement.
Portuguese Proverb
I gave him a staff for his support and he uses it to break my head.
Hindi Proverb
The nose didn't smell the rotting head.
Hindi Proverb
He who scrubs the head of an ass wastes his soap.
Italian Proverb
No comforter's head ever aches.
Italian Proverb
A thing done has a head.
Italian Proverb
Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion.
Italian Proverb
Better be the head of a lizard than the tail of a dragon.
Italian Proverb
Evening red and morning grey help the traveler on his way; evening grey and morning red bring down rain upon his head.
Italian Proverb