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Head Proverbs
The brain is not in the pocket, but in the head.
Macedonian Proverb
The bigger a man's head, the worse his headache.
Persian Proverb
The head of a dragon, the tail of a snake.
Japanese Proverb
A sharp tongue will cut off its own head.
Persian Proverb
If the heart is right, the head cannot be very far wrong.
American Proverb
Either chest in crosses, or a head in bushes.
Russian Proverb
The tongue speaks, but the head doesn't know.
Russian Proverb
Men have three ears: one on the left of the head, one on the right of the head, and one in the heart.
Armenian Proverb
If an eel is with fish, he shows his tail; if he is with snakes, he shows his head.
Indonesian Proverb
It is better to be the head of a mouse, then the tail of a lion.
Gypsy Proverb
If you don't sell your head, no one will buy it.
Yoruba Proverb
For no man could be blessed without the acceptance of his own head.
Yoruba Proverb
If something that was going to chop off your head only knocked off your cap, you should be grateful.
Yoruba Proverb
You cannot shave a man's head in his absence.
Yoruba Proverb
Intelligence is in the head, not in the age.
Azerbaijani Proverb
A still tongue makes a wise head.
English Proverb
A pain in the foot is soon forgotten -- a pain in the head is not.
Armenian Proverb
Better to be an ant's head than a lion's tail.
Armenian Proverb
A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.
Irish Proverb
A closed mouth–a wise head.
Irish Proverb
Youth has a small head.
Irish Proverb
The water has passed his head.
Persian Proverb