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Life Proverbs - page 14
Who is blind, dumb and deaf will live a peaceful life of a hundred years.
Sicilian Proverb
To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
Sicilian Proverb
To ward off the boredom of life, eat snails in May and fish in August.
Sicilian Proverb
God has dominion over your possessions and your life.
Sicilian Proverb
If you want to have a happy life, stay far away from your relatives.
Sicilian Proverb
The ocean gives and sustain life to the worthy.
Maori Proverb
An unkept promise leads to a bad life.
Yiddish Proverb
Truth never dies, but lives a wretched life.
Yiddish Proverb
The ugliest life is better than the nicest death.
Yiddish Proverb
If you start thinking of death, you are no longer sure of life.
Yiddish Proverb
If your friend becomes your enemy, he will be your enemy for life.
Yiddish Proverb
In life, each of us must sometimes play the fool.
Yiddish Proverb
If there is bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter.
Yiddish Proverb
Life is just like a dream-but don't wake me.
Yiddish Proverb
Wisdom in the man, patience in the wife, brings peace to the house and a happy life.
Dutch Proverb
A pig's life, short and sweet.
French Proverb
To enjoy life is worth so much more than it costs.
French Proverb
Take away my good name, take away my life.
French Proverb
Most men employ the earlier part of their life to make the other miserable.
French Proverb
Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it.
French Proverb
Life is half spent before one knows what life is.
French Proverb
We must learn from life how to suffer it.
French Proverb