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Horse Proverbs - page 4
‘almost' does not push a man off his horse.
Danish Proverb
A golden bit makes none the better horse.
German Proverb
He who heeds not the lost shoe-nail, will soon lose the horse.
German Proverb
Another man's horse and your own spurs outrun the wind.
German Proverb
He who would go further than his horse, must alight and go on foot.
German Proverb
Take a horse to the knacker, and throw in bridle and saddle.
German Proverb
The horse that draws best is the most whipped.
German Proverb
When the horse dies, dismount.
German Proverb
Many a happy colt makes a fine horse.
Irish Proverb
It's no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Irish Proverb
Everyone lays a burden on the willing horse.
Irish Proverb
The blacksmith's horse and the cobbler's wife are always the last to have shoes.
Irish Proverb
The morning of the race is not the morning to feed your horse.
Irish Proverb
The raggy colt often made a powerful horse.
Irish Proverb
The shoemaker's wife and the blacksmith's horse often go unshod.
Irish Proverb
Without pressing too little or too hard, hold tight the reins for he's a fool who would not get value from a borrowed horse.
Irish Proverb
You can take a horse to water, but you can not make him drink.
Bulgarian Proverb
Wait horse for green grass.
Bulgarian Proverb
The horse is Turkmen, it eats from both the nose-bag and the manger.
Persian Proverb
We might've fallen from the horse, but not from the honor.
Persian Proverb
A fast horse does not want the spur.
Portuguese Proverb
You tie the horse at the will of the master.
Portuguese Proverb