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Horse Proverbs - page 3
On a steep road, let your horse set the pace.
Darkovan Proverb
On an uphill road, give your horse his reins.
Darkovan Proverb
The best horse can't wear two saddles.
Darkovan Proverb
Only a race horse or a comyn lord is judged by his pedigree.
Darkovan Proverb
A roan horse and a black can travel equally far in a day's journey.
Darkovan Proverb
The stumbling of a fabulous horse.
Japanese Proverb
A whip even to a galloping horse.
Japanese Proverb
If you would shoot a general, shoot his horse first.
Japanese Proverb
When your horse in on the brink of a precipice, it is too late to pull the reins.
Chinese Proverb
The day your horse dies and your money's gone, your relatives change into strangers.
Chinese Proverb
You think you've lost your horse? who knows, he may bring a whole herd back to you someday.
Chinese Proverb
An old friend is like a saddled horse.
Afghan Proverb
The zebra told the white horse, "I am white," and told the black horse, "I am actually black."
African Proverb
Where a horse of a turk passes the grass will not grow again.
Albanian Proverb
Nobody has ever bet enough on a winning horse.
American Proverb
Don't close the barn door after the horse runs away.
American Proverb
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
American Proverb
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
English Proverb
How can the foal amble if the horse and mare trot?
English Proverb
A man without religion is a horse without a bridle.
English Proverb
Take wisdom from the wise - not everyone who rides a horse is a jockey.
Arabic Proverb
A young foal and an old horse draw not well together.
Danish Proverb