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Horse Proverbs - page 17
Once a word leaves your mouth, you cannot chase it back even with the swiftest horse.
Traditional Proverb
Show me your horse and I will tell you what you are.
Traditional Proverb
No one rides a horse without moving his head, voluntarily or involuntarily.
Yoruba Proverb
One shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Brazilian Proverb
A cowboy is a man with guts and a horse.
Cowboy Proverb
The blacksmith's horse has no horseshoes.
Czechoslovakian Proverb
Try to save the dead horse as if it is still alive.
Chinese Proverb
Not the fastest horse can catch a word spoken in anger.
Chinese Proverb
It is too late for a galloping horse to stop at a clip; it is useless for a sinking boat to be mended in the middle of a river.
Chinese Proverb
A good horse never needs a whip.
Azerbaijani Proverb
Never check the teeth of a horse that has been given by a wealthy landowner.
Azerbaijani Proverb
If you see someone riding a bamboo-cane, tell him "What a lovely horse!"
African Proverb
A horse has four legs, yet it often falls.
African Proverb
Sharpening a knife does not frighten a horse.
African Proverb
For want of a nail the shoe is lost, for want of a shoe the horse is lost, for want of a horse the rider is lost.
English Proverb
The grey mare is the better horse.
English Proverb
I will either win the saddle or lose the horse.
English Proverb
Each stain comes to sight on a horse that is white.
English Proverb
It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen.
English Proverb
A horse stumbles that has four legs.
English Proverb
The mule was asked: The mule was asked: "Who is your father?" It responded with: "The horse is my uncle."
Arabic Proverb
Don't count the teeth of a gift horse.
Armenian Proverb