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Things Proverbs - page 4
A man is as big as the things that made him mad.
American Proverb
Don't ignore the small things - the kite flies because of its tail.
American Proverb
From small beginnings come great things.
American Proverb
There are three things that can destroy a preacher, the glory, the gold, and the girls.
American Proverb
Saying and doing are two different things.
American Proverb
First things first.
English Proverb
Best things in life are free.
English Proverb
Many things are lost for want of asking.
English Proverb
Facts are stubborn things.
English Proverb
A man is known to be mortal by two things, sleep and lust.
English Proverb
Three things to fear: a crumbling wall, an angry dog, and a shrew.
Arabic Proverb
the key to all things is determination.
Arabic Proverb
To know the law and do the right are two things.
Danish Proverb
Things never go so well that someone should have no fear, nor so bad that someone should have no hope.
Danish Proverb
A good soldier has only three things to think about; the king, God, and nothing.
German Proverb
Great things are done more through courage than through wisdom.
German Proverb
He who prizes little things is worthy of great ones.
German Proverb
He who saves in little things, can be liberal in great ones.
German Proverb
Who heeds not little things, will be troubled about lesser ones.
German Proverb
Better one good thing that is, rather than two good things that were, or three good things that might never come to pass.
Irish Proverb
Two things that go for loss-turf on a mountain and the wisdom of a poor man.
Irish Proverb
Three things that can't be taught: generosity, poetry and a singing voice.
Irish Proverb