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Money Proverbs - page 4
There are three faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.
American Proverb
Money makes the mare go.
English Proverb
The skilfullest wanting money is scorned.
English Proverb
Money makes the pot boil.
English Proverb
Money is the root of all evil.
English Proverb
Money spent on brain is never spent in vain.
English Proverb
An abundance of money ruins youth.
English Proverb
'tis money that begets money.
English Proverb
When fools go to market the huckster gets money.
Danish Proverb
Money taken, freedom forsaken.
German Proverb
If you've money, take a seat; it you've none, take to your feet.
German Proverb
Credit is better than ready money.
German Proverb
God cures the sick, and the doctor gets the money.
German Proverb
Love can do much, money can do all.
German Proverb
Money talks.
German Proverb
Spending your money with many a guest, empties the kitchen, the cellar and chest.
German Proverb
A fool and his money are easily parted.
Irish Proverb
God often pays debts without money.
Irish Proverb
Money tempts women, women tempt men.
Bulgarian Proverb
It is better in times of need to have a friend rather than money.
Greek Proverb
Better the friend we can see than the money we cannot.
Greek Proverb
God heals, and the doctor gets the money.
Portuguese Proverb