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Friend Proverbs - page 11
A friend won with a feather can be lost with a straw.
American Proverb
An old friend wears well.
American Proverb
Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him.
American Proverb
Better lose a jest than a friend.
American Proverb
Fall not out with a friend for a trifle.
American Proverb
He who is no friend to the good cause is no friend of mine.
American Proverb
If he's your flatterer, he can't be your friend.
American Proverb
Make a loan and lose a friend.
American Proverb
No friend is like an old friend.
American Proverb
To have a friend, close one eye; to keep him, close both.
American Proverb
You can't jest an enemy into a friend, but you can jest a friend into an enemy.
American Proverb
You can't trust your best friend.
American Proverb
A friend cannot be known in prosperity nor an enemy be hidden in adversity.
English Proverb
Be a friend to thyself, and others will befriend thee.
English Proverb
The rich knows not who is his friend.
English Proverb
You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself.
English Proverb
There is no better looking-glass than an old friend.
English Proverb
He quits his place well that leaves his friend there.
English Proverb
No man has a worse friend than he brings from home.
English Proverb
A book is a friend.
English Proverb
A friend is best found in adversity.
English Proverb
A good friend never offends.
English Proverb