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House Proverbs - page 4
Into the house where joy lives, happiness will gladly come.
Japanese Proverb
The dog called "Sorrow," without eating, will be fat in every house.
Japanese Proverb
As soon as a man leaves his house he has seven enemies.
Japanese Proverb
In a wealthy man's house there is no lean dog.
Japanese Proverb
The heaviest rains fall on the house that leaks most.
Japanese Proverb
A woman is like a rat: even if it grows up in your house, it steals from you.
Ghana Proverb
When the lamps in the house are lit it is like the flowering of lotus on the lake.
Chinese Proverb
When buying a house, check the beams; when choosing a wife; check the mother.
Chinese Proverb
Before you plan to improve the world, look around your own house three times.
Chinese Proverb
Several repeated visits to the mud pit enable the wasp to build its house.
African Proverb
One can see it but must not say, when the master of a house passes excreta in a pot.
African Proverb
The house roof fights the rain, but the person who is sheltered ignores it.
African Proverb
If you are in the house of a friend, bad times are soon forgotten.
Albanian Proverb
Envy doesn't enter an empty house.
American Proverb
Burn not your house to fright the mouse away.
English Proverb
He that lives in a glass house must not throw stones.
English Proverb
The first year let your house to your enemy; the second to your friend; the third live in it yourself.
English Proverb
A house built by the wayside is either too high or too low.
English Proverb
A house well-furnished makes a woman wise.
English Proverb
An Englishman's house (home) is his castle.
English Proverb
A small tumbledown house is better than a communal palace.
Arabic Proverb
If your house is of glass, don't throw rocks at others.
Arabic Proverb