Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Comes Proverbs
Do not say the first thing that comes to your mind.
Kenyan Proverb
The pitcher goes so often to the well that it comes home broken at last.
English Proverb
Prepare yourself for when the water comes up to your knees.
African Congo Proverb
When the bee comes to your house, let her have beer; you may want to visit the bee's house some day.
African Congo Proverb
After bad luck comes good fortune.
Gypsy Proverb
Even the mightest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest.
Kiganda Proverb
Evening promises are like butter: morning comes, and it's all melted.
Moroccan Proverb
What is greatly desired is not believed when it comes.
Argentinean Proverb
The misfortune that comes into town does not wear a turban.
Benin Proverb
Pain is forgotten where gain comes.
American Proverb
A better seldom comes after.
German Proverb
A bad penny always comes back.
German Proverb
This is not Kashan where the heap comes with the coolies.
Persian Proverb
It is a real compliment that comes from an enemy.
Persian Proverb
Strength comes from union.
Portuguese Proverb
Taking out without putting in, soon comes to the bottom.
Portuguese Proverb
The greater love is a mother's; then comes a dog's; then a sweetheart's.
Polish Proverb
The hot sun melts away the snow; when anger comes, does wisdom go.
Hindi Proverb
When wine comes in, modesty leaves.
Italian Proverb
Blessed is the misfortune that comes alone.
Italian Proverb
Not everything, which is bad, comes to hurt us.
Italian Proverb
Water in the mouth before eating; water in the eyes when the bill comes.
Tibetan Proverb