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Say Proverbs - page 4
Least said sooner mended.
English Proverb
Better to say nothing, than to say something not to the purpose.
English Proverb
A man may say too much, even upon the best subjects.
English Proverb
Examine what is said, not him who speaks.
Arabic Proverb
The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say.
Arabic Proverb
Examine what is said, not who is speaking.
Arabic Proverb
The garlic said to the onion: 'you stink.'
Arabic Proverb
When asked, "What news from the sea?” The fish replied "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water.”.
Armenian Proverb
It is not for my own sake, said the fox, "that I say there is a good goose-green in the wood."
Danish Proverb
If `almost' did not exist, said the woman, "than I would have shot a hare."
Danish Proverb
It will come back, said the man, when he gave his sow pork.
Danish Proverb
I am a judge of cresses, said the peasant, as he was eating hemlock.
Danish Proverb
your words are fair,” said the wolf, "but I will not come into the village.
German Proverb
Be silent, or say something better than silence.
German Proverb
Every beginning is hard, said the thief, when he began by stealing an anvil.
German Proverb
He that says A, must also say B.
German Proverb
Thought when sober, said when drunk.
German Proverb
"great cry and little wool,” said the fool, when he sheared a pig.
German Proverb
‘what a dust we kick up,' as the fly said to the cart wheel.
Irish Proverb
A man who holds good cards would never say if they were dealt wrong.
Irish Proverb
She would drink the cream and say the cat she had was an old rogue.
Irish Proverb
Drunkenness and anger, 'tis said tell the truth.
Irish Proverb