Proverbs around the world
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Should Proverbs - page 19
What should prevent the herring bag from having the odour of the herrings?
Irish Proverb
When you see a goat you should always hit him.
Irish Proverb
You should not have enmity with the crocodile if you are living in the water.
Hindi Proverb
Danger should be feared when distant, and braved when present.
Hindi Proverb
We should bolster the light rather than fight the darkness.
Jewish Proverb
A man should go on living -- if only to satisfy his curiosity.
Jewish Proverb
What fails to succeed, should not be forced.
Hungarian Proverb
The horse should worry, he has a big head.
Hungarian Proverb
Let the cobbler Paul grumble, he should only make good sandals.
Hungarian Proverb
You should not add oil to the fire... Nëm këll a tűzre olajat önteni.
Hungarian Proverb
Nanni cherished his old age: "I am what an old man should be."
Sumerian Proverb
That my friend should be well is our wish, and that our enemies should be gone! May those friendly to you reach their goal as a ship does a friendly harbour! May your enemy, like the flood waters of a river, return to his city.
Sumerian Proverb
A younger brother should honour an older brother. He should treat him with human dignity.
Sumerian Proverb
Whatever happens, all happens as it should.
Romanian Proverb
You should not judge a dog by its fur.
Swedish Proverb
Trot mother, trot father, how should the foal amble?
Scottish Proverb
Airly crooks the Tree that good Lammock should be.
Scottish Proverb
He should wear iron shone, that bides his neighbours deed.
Scottish Proverb
Guid will should be tean in pairt peyment.
Scottish Proverb
To keep their ain hole clean, the minister's wife should.
Scottish Proverb
A thorn that pierces the toe should be burned.
Nigerian Proverb
There are four things to which you should not lend credence: love of women, the charity of friars, sun in the winter, and clouds in the summer.
Sicilian Proverb