Proverbs around the world
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Wise Proverbs
A wise man makes his own decisions, but an ignorant man mindlessly follows the crowd.
Chinese Proverb
The wise man who does not put his knowledge into practice is like a bee that gives no honey.
Persian Proverb
Who is wise? He who learns from all men.
Jewish Proverb
The heart of a fool is in his mouth and the mouth of the wise man is in his heart.
Ethiopian Proverb
Wise men honor their wives.
Bulgarian Proverb
It is a wise man who can laugh at his own jokes.
Persian Proverb
Any wise enemy is better than an ignorant friend.
Arabic Proverb
The fool speaks, the wise man listens.
Ethiopian Proverb
It is better to carry stones with a wise man than accept the meal of a madman.
Armenian Proverb
Do not be wise in words – be wise in deeds.
Jewish Proverb
The stupid fear fortune, the wise endure it.
Latin Proverb
The wise understand by themselves, fools follow the reports of others.
Tibetan Proverb
We start as fools and become wise through experience.
Tanzanian Proverb
A wise man learns at the fool's expense.
Brazilian Proverb
Not until just before dawn do people sleep best; not until people get old do they become wise.
Chinese Proverb
A still tongue makes a wise head.
English Proverb
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
English Proverb
A closed mouth–a wise head.
Irish Proverb
As the wise man looks for a bridge the fool crosses the river.
Persian Proverb
Though the snake be small, it is still wise to hit it with a big stick.
Hindi Proverb
A wise man cares not for what he cannot have.
Italian Proverb
Honest men marry soon, wise men never.
Italian Proverb