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Woman Proverbs - page 5
An old woman is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb.
African Proverb
A woman is never old when it comes to the dance she knows.
African Proverb
A house well-furnished makes a woman wise.
English Proverb
A man is as old as he feels, a woman as old as she looks.
English Proverb
A worthy woman is the crown of her husband.
English Proverb
The woman who loves her husband corrects his faults; the man that loves his wife exaggerates them.
Armenian Proverb
An ill-tempered woman is the devil's door-nail.
Danish Proverb
If `almost' did not exist, said the woman, "than I would have shot a hare."
Danish Proverb
A woman has the form of an angel, the heart of a serpent, and the mind of an ass.
German Proverb
A woman strong in flounces is weak in the head.
German Proverb
It is easier to guard a bushel of fleas than a woman.
German Proverb
One hair of a woman draws more than a bell-rope.
German Proverb
Who's the man that was never fooled by a woman.
German Proverb
Where the devil can't go himself, he sends an old woman.
German Proverb
Were a woman rules the house, the devil is serving-man.
German Proverb
Man without woman, is head without body; woman without man, is body without head.
German Proverb
No woman marries an old man for God's sake.
German Proverb
Who takes an eel by the tail or a woman by her word, grasp as he will, holds nothing fast.
German Proverb
There are three creatures beyond ruling – a mule, a pig and a woman.
Irish Proverb
If you meet a red-haired woman, you'll meet a crowd.
Irish Proverb
It's as hard to see a woman crying as it is to see a barefooted duck.
Irish Proverb
One woman understands another.
Irish Proverb