Proverbs around the world
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Woman Proverbs - page 21
The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth. The young one looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth.
African Proverb
When your wife is a woman of no morals, then she might as well be someone else's harlot.
African Proverb
The daughter of a spry old woman makes a poor housekeeper.
Albanian Proverb
There is no other purgatory but a woman. (Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher)
English Proverb
No mischief but a woman or a priest is at the bottom of it.
English Proverb
The woman who loves her husband corrects his faults.
Armenian Proverb
A woman may be ever so old, if she take fire she will jump.
Danish Proverb
Silence is a wonderful jewel for a woman but she seldom wears it.
Danish Proverb
A second woman has golden thighs.
German Proverb
A stupidly devout man, the slyly evil, and the sanctimonious woman - these will destroy the world.
Jewish Proverb
A woman is flax, man is fire, the devil comes and blows the bellows.
Romanian Proverb
A young woman, like new wine, bubbles.
Romanian Proverb
Better a man of straw than a woman of gold.
Romanian Proverb
Even the devil cannot escape a woman.
Romanian Proverb
A woman conceals what she knows not.
Scottish Proverb
A woman who is not successful in her own marriage has.
Nigerian Proverb
No man is brave in the presence of a crying woman.
Filipino Proverb
Who gets married to a thin woman will know bitterness and strife, who marries a plump woman will be contented at the table and sleeping chamber.
Sicilian Proverb
If you want a beautiful woman, hurry to Syracuse: if you want her ugly, run to Terranova, go to Rosolini if you want her lazy and to Spaccaforno if you're looking for one to try.
Sicilian Proverb
The ideal is a four year old dog, an eight year old horse, an eighteen year old woman and a twenty eight year old man.
Sicilian Proverb
Leave the hot fire and help the woman in labor.
Sicilian Proverb
If you want a beautiful woman, hurry to syracuse.
Sicilian Proverb