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Woman Proverbs - page 18
The handsomest woman can only give what she has.
French Proverb
A woman laughs when she can and weeps when she pleases.
French Proverb
Every woman needs two men - one to be married to and the other to compare.
French Proverb
The woman had no trouble, so she bought a piglet.
Russian Proverb
It is easier for the horse when a woman gets off the cart.
Russian Proverb
You would do better to sit on a powder keg than on the knee of a woman.
Russian Proverb
The man is the flame, the woman the glow.
Russian Proverb
Demand a kiss from a fat woman, and be ready to receive a sweet taste.
Turkish Proverb
A woman has advice only for another woman.
Turkish Proverb
A woman and a glass are always in danger.
Spanish Proverb
What a woman wills God wills.
Spanish Proverb
Watch out for a bad woman and never trust a good one.
Spanish Proverb
To a woman and a magpie tell your secrets in the marketplace.
Spanish Proverb
There is little use in watching a bad woman.
Spanish Proverb
The woman in finery, the house in filth, but the doorway swept.
Spanish Proverb
The wind changes every day; a woman changes every second.
Spanish Proverb
The nightingale will run out of songs before a woman runs out of conversation.
Spanish Proverb
The man who does not love a horse cannot love a woman.
Spanish Proverb
No mirror ever reflected an ugly woman.
Spanish Proverb
Man is fire, woman is tow; the devil comes with a bellows.
Spanish Proverb
Man, woman, and love created fire.
Spanish Proverb
The man deliberates, the woman decides.
Spanish Proverb